A penile implant or a penile prosthesis is a common treatment option for men who face difficulties with erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is an issue most men stay hush about but the fact is every one out of two men over the age of 40 is troubled with erectile dysfunction. The best way to go about it is by actually talking about.
The most basic type of penile implant comprises of a pair of bendable or malleable rods that implanted within the erection chambers of the penis by means of an intensive surgery. With these rods the penis is in a semi-rigid state and simply needs to be aroused and adjusted to an erect position. These days, most men who would like to actually deal with and treat erectile dysfunction opt for a hydraulic, inflatable implant that gives you the pleasure of having an erection whenever you wish to have one. It is also easy to conceal one when the time comes and this is all thanks to a penile prosthesis.
Penile implants are not a man’s plan A. When you confide in a doctor about your erectile dysfunction the first step of treatment is usually prescription pills. However, these pills are not as effective as they pose to be and hence, penile implants are a more solid course of action to take.
The beauty of malleable and inflatable penile implants is the fact that they help you have erections that are so smooth that it is almost natural. However, these natural-feeling and natural looking erections are as good as natural erections but they are not better than them.
At the end of the day, you are making an external device a vital part of your body. This action does have an equal and opposite reaction. While you may have erections that make you forget all about the fact that you had erectile dysfunction in the first place, the internal penile pump can cost you a skin and implant infection. The key is to make sure you get it checked regularly and use it wisely. Over-excursion and displacement of the device can cause irritation, internal bleeding, and microbe growth beneath the layers of your skin that can affect many processes at once.
Most talks about the use of penile implants seem to be positive and promising, however, nothing can be flawless. Don’t be surprised if the effect of the implant wears out eventually leaving you high and dry. They usually last for 8 to 12 years or at least they are supposed to. The catch is simple. As you increasingly use it, you are bound to notice performance failures and deteriorations. So actually, the more you use, the faster you will need a replacement.
If you are getting yourself surgically induced implants as opposed to enjoying the luxury of a natural erection, prepare yourself for post- operative internal bleeding. This bleeding can lead to hematoma formation, which is nothing but bad news for you and your implant. Bleeding can cause a delay in the activation of the device, and it can also disposition the pump making it difficult and painful to use on a regular basis.
A penile prosthesis is painful. After your surgery, you could be in pain for weeks and by pain think to sever pain. If the penile cylinders you’ve had implanted are over-sized or if one cylinder has crossed-over to the wrong side of the penis, you are in for a long and harsh period of endurance and excruciating pain.
Not all but in some particular cases, the implanted device can stick to the inner layers or your skin on your penis. If this happens and remains this way, the device can wear away your skin and cause you a rash, inflammations, be bleeding, and organ malfunction. These internal erosions expose your skin and penis infections are diseases that may lead to other forms of erectile dysfunction.
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